Pigeon Mountain

For the last few years Hi 5 has coached all of the teams from Pigeon Mountain Primary School. These teams are a key focus for Hi 5 as we look to help coach these kids the true basics and fundamentals of the game as for many it is their first team.


BBI has five teams that are coached by Hi 5. These teams take part in the local Underdog league in which we are closely associated with. BBI and Hi 5 have a very close relationship as the BBI Cloud is used for many of Hi 5’s training for the BBI teams, as well as after school on a Friday where a large coaching session is run to assist with new beginners all the way to the advanced players.


In 2023, Hi 5 Basketball partnered with Macleans College to aid in the coaching of their students. The U15 A side is being coached by Jeremy, and Peter and Matthew have taken over the U15 B side. Michael is the head of basketball at Macleans and is one of the Premier Boys coaches, as well as helping oversee all the other teams. Macleans have also been very kind in letting Hi 5 use their basketball facilities so that we are now able to conduct our training’s and programmes inside the Macleans gymnasium.